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Bitcoin price sets on fire

Bitcoin price sets on fire

Three days ago, during our last markets update, bitcoin’s price experienced a short-term correction all the way down to the $5,300 territory, on October 25th. Following the dip, the price rebounded the same day back to the $5,700 region and has since then continued sailing towards the $6K mark.

Bit coin Markets Dominate by 57% Commanding a $98 Billion Market Cap.

Bit coin markets are doing better on October 26 as the price reached a high of $5,988 during the early morning hours. Currently, bit coin’s market value is hovering between the $5850-$5,900 after meeting some resistance above $5,950. At the moment, bitcoin trade volume is strong with $1.9B worth of BTC traded over the past 24-hours. A vast majority of the BTC trade volume still stems from Japan  as the yen encompasses roughly 66% of bitcoin’s global volume. The USD is capturing 21 percent of the global trade volume at the time of writing, with the rest of the state-issued currencies sharing the leftovers. The top five exchanges pushing massive bitcoin volumes right now are Bitfinex, Bithumb, Bitflyer, GDAX, and Hitbtc. Alongside this, most altcoin markets are in the green, but bitcoin dominance is capturing a 57 percent share out of all the cryptocurrency market caps.

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Markets Update: Bitcoin Price Sets Sail for Uncharted Seas